Recycled Magnets: How We Got Sustainability to Stick
As an environmentally conscious printer, we’re always trying to eco-ify our products and practices. The latest one we’re drawn to? Recycled magnets. See why our new eco friendly magnet material is the main attraction.
Material Mindset
Printing with recycled magnets just makes sense. After all, the Earth itself is a magnet.
(We interrupt this article with a quick geology lesson: The planet’s core is made up of mostly iron, thus giving Earth its very own magnetic field – hello, North and South Poles. This magnetic field protects us by deflecting a bunch of scary stuff like solar winds, radiation and charged particles from the sun. And now back to your regularly-scheduled article.)
This new magnet printing process fits right in with Smartpress’ commitment to sustainability and provides yet another green printing option for our conscious clients. The magnet material itself contains 75% recycled content, 100% of which is pre-consumer recycled content.
Complete with a printed vinyl face, our magnets are part of a “closed-loop” process, and it’s a pretty cool one at that. Here’s how it works:
- We get a roll of the magnet material from our vendor.
- Any material we don’t use after a project is printed gets returned to our vendor.
- Our vendor recycles this unused scrap material and makes new rolls out of it.
- The new rolls are then sent to us so we can print new projects with it.
(As a customer-focused online printer, we’re all about full disclosure: The vinyl face is not made of recycled content. But don’t worry, we’re working on it.)
Hint: We’re your online printing shop for lots of insider tips and tricks. Connect with Magnet Printing FAQ here.
Powerful Products
Recycled magnets are now available for online printing on two of our magnet products, so no matter your custom magnet needs, you have the option to do it in a low-impact way. What kinds of magnets? These kinds of magnets:
- Perfect for branding, marketing and advertising.
- Digital die cutting available in any shape, pattern, lettering, etc.
- Especially good for complex brand logos or designs.
- Perfect for on-the-go marketing for your business, products and services.
- Features strong and durable .030 mil vinyl that has a 95-pound pull (aka it’s staying put).
- Available in custom sizes and shapes.
Hint: Need magnet design inspo? We’re the online printer that’s got that, too: Magnetic Marketing: 5 Ways to Print Magnets & Attract Attention.

Rethinking Recycling
Our goal was to offer recycled magnets to our clients and customers, but as a sustainable printer, we took it one step further – it’s just what we do. That one step further came in 2022, as we began recycling our magnet material for the first time ever.
We set our sights high, wanting to improve the performance of our waste program throughout all facilities across Smartpress and our parent company, The Bernard Group. Our ultimate objective was to divert 500 tons of waste to its proper disposal.
The result is a win that’s stuck with us since then. We exceeded that goal, with a total of 538 tons of redirected waste. Plus, we made our recycling program even more top-of-mind for our employees with improved communication (turns out, the right email goes a long way).
Hint: Recycled magnets are just another example of our planet-friendly online printing services. Find more green alternatives here: Sustainable Swap: 4 New Green Alternatives for Eco-Friendly Printing and Sustainable Signage: 8 Substrates for Planet-Friendly Printing.